It's that time again! Thousands of people around the world are now sitting at their desks, scribbling into notebooks, or tapping furiously on their keyboards. That's right; it's National Novel Writing Month!
National Novel Writing Month, or, as it's more commonly known as, NaNoWriMo, happens every November. I take part in the Young Writer's Programme, where you get to pick your word count. If you choose to participate in normal NaNoWriMo, you're word count is 50,000. The goal with NaNoWriMo is to hit your word count! It doesn't have to b quality work; that's what December's for, editing. If anyone wants to add me as a writing buddy, my username is Crazeebookgirl. Add your name in the comments and I'll add you back ;)
This is my second year partaking in the NaNoWriMo Young Writer's Programme. Last year I wrote a 23,000 word novel called Run Away Teen. This year I am aiming higher, and am writing a (hopefully) 40,000 word novel called Can You Keep a Secret?
I recommend participating in NaNoWriMo. It's such an awesome experience! If you're looking to join, I have put together a list of things that you'll need or will come in handy when writing in NaNoWriMo.
What you'll need in your NaNoWriMo kit:
- a notebook.
Whether you're writing on your laptop or by hand, you'll need a couple of these. Carry these everywhere. What if inspiration strikes? What if you get an idea? You'll want to scribble it down asap! You'll especially need these if you're writing by hand...
- a pencil case
Pencil cases go hand in hand with notebooks. In your NaNo pencil case, you'll want to have a few pens, a few pencils, a rubber, a sharpener, twink, and post it notes. You never know what you're going to need!
- a laptop/computer
Even if you're writing by hand, it's useful to have access to a laptop or computer. I write my story by hand, and then type it up so it's easier to edit in December. It's also much easier to update you're word count from a laptop or computer, as opposed to an iPhone or tablet.
When writing, it's good to keep hydrated. If you don't have much to drink, it'll be harder to gather good ideas.
I know this sounds cheesy as, but you'll need to be so determined to get through this month! The more determined you are, the more likely it is that you'll reach your word count goal! If you have no faith in yourself, and have no drive to write a novel, chances are you'll end up nowhere near your word goal.
Here is the link for the young writers programme
Here is the link for the main NaNoWriMo
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